Tag Archives: Technician

February 6, 2018

Meet Levi Duff

in Employee Spotlight 1,991 comments

Levi is our in-house inventor—an interest he’s had most of his life.  He says he’s always liked to take things apart, put them back together and build new things. And he’s good at it. When a large distributor with 26 shops asked for a solution to their disappearing materials, Levi designed the first version of our Stationary Cabinet.  From there, he designed our mobile carts and the smart lock for inventory rooms.

If you ask people about Levi, they’ll tell you that he likes to help people—the neighborhood kids who need a Dad’s attention, the friend who needs help fixing his car, the kids who need coaching in baseball.  It’s that quality that makes him a natural at helping new customers install their equipment—it’s what makes him care about people at the shop being trained to be successful with LeanTec and what makes him patient as he walks folks through each question they may have. Levi is humble—and wasn’t comfortable talking about himself, but I told him people would like to know him better—so, being Levi, he helped me.

1.  How long have you been @LeanTec?

From the beginning.

2.  What are your day-to-day responsibilities?

As a customer representative, I have the initial discussions with new customers to determine their inventory solution needs & then I facilitate cabinet installations—both on and off site.  I also help with any questions current customers may be having.  I design & maintain the hardware, design & build installation kits, and have been helping with upgrades to our software.

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June 6, 2017

Why Security Matters – The Truth Exposed

in Security 3,397 comments

Security is everywhere in our lives. We lock up everything, from our houses and cars to our cell phones. We lock these things up because we care about them. If I told you that you left your house unlocked, I would be introducing some level of anxiety to your day.

The same holds true in your shop. Chances are, you lock up at night because you want to protect what you’ve built—your assets. Why not protect it during the day as well?  Collision Centers have a variety of products used to repair vehicles from fillers and glues to clips and fasteners. Some of these products are recoverable; all of them are expensive. Securing your inventory only makes sense. But, security isn’t just physical, it’s also psychological, and doing it wrong can be costly to your business.

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