Tag Archives: LeanTec

November 27, 2018

Customer Peter Reszczynski Talks about LeanTec

in Customer Reviews 278 comments

 Peter Reszczynski – Fix Auto Chicago   

When LeanTec was introduced to me, I immediately brought our Distributor into the meetings to discuss the system.  I knew this Solution would be good for them as well as their other shops.

We were one of the first shops in Chicago to have LeanTec.  And we quickly saw benefits from organizing and streamlining products.  This controlled access of products has brought down our consumption.

In addition, my Distributor and I benefited from having automated replenishment of our orders.  Our Distributor Account Manager no longer needs to come in and order our products. And we don’t have to worry about being overstocked or run out of products.

I’d recommend LeanTec to any shops looking to better organize products and control consumption of Paint and Materials.

June 19, 2018

Meet Ryan Ketcham

in Employee Spotlight 432 comments

Ryan’s is the face most customers recognize. He’s usually the one who’s introduced them to LeanTec and helped them understand how it’ll benefit their organization. Helping is what Ryan likes to do—both professionally & in his personal life. And he’s not afraid of challenges. Whether it’s helping disadvantaged kids on the weekends or helping customers solve their shop challenges during the week, Ryan cares—and he’s not afraid to do what it takes to solve the problem. With 15 years of sales leadership experience (11 of them in Automotive Aftermarket), he’s up to the task.

We caught up with Ryan at his home in Indianapolis—which can sometimes be a challenge of its own, as he’s usually on the go visiting our clients all over the US & Canada.

  1. 1. What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
    I oversee all the sales activities & brand awareness for LeanTec.  And I participate in new product development ideas and the onboarding of new customers.

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April 24, 2018

Meet John Taylor

in Employee Spotlight 15,889 comments

John Taylor’s a man of many interests and talents.  Some of those talents he got through education (AAS & BS degrees in engineering technologies) and through certifications (SCRUM Master/Product Owner). But most of his talents he acquired because he loves to learn and isn’t afraid to try new & different things. He likes nothing better than to pass on new bits of knowledge to anyone who’ll listen.  That’s how I learned about looking for the Green Flash. John mentioned it in an email, & I was curious.  Read on, & you’ll be the proud owner of that bit of info too!


1. What are your day-to-day responsibilities?
I’m the Project Manager for the re-write of the LeanTec Prophet C software.

2. What drew you to LeanTec?
I was maintaining the existing Prophet C software, and the opportunity arose to re-write the product. That challenged and excited me.

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February 6, 2018

Meet Levi Duff

in Employee Spotlight 1,973 comments

Levi is our in-house inventor—an interest he’s had most of his life.  He says he’s always liked to take things apart, put them back together and build new things. And he’s good at it. When a large distributor with 26 shops asked for a solution to their disappearing materials, Levi designed the first version of our Stationary Cabinet.  From there, he designed our mobile carts and the smart lock for inventory rooms.

If you ask people about Levi, they’ll tell you that he likes to help people—the neighborhood kids who need a Dad’s attention, the friend who needs help fixing his car, the kids who need coaching in baseball.  It’s that quality that makes him a natural at helping new customers install their equipment—it’s what makes him care about people at the shop being trained to be successful with LeanTec and what makes him patient as he walks folks through each question they may have. Levi is humble—and wasn’t comfortable talking about himself, but I told him people would like to know him better—so, being Levi, he helped me.

1.  How long have you been @LeanTec?

From the beginning.

2.  What are your day-to-day responsibilities?

As a customer representative, I have the initial discussions with new customers to determine their inventory solution needs & then I facilitate cabinet installations—both on and off site.  I also help with any questions current customers may be having.  I design & maintain the hardware, design & build installation kits, and have been helping with upgrades to our software.

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December 5, 2017

Meet Chuck Wheelock

in Employee Spotlight 352 comments

If you ever have a question about LeanTec, Chuck’s your guy. As one of the main designers of our software, he knows how it all works together and can trouble-shoot most tech problems. Chuck has a great sense of humor and is one of those rare people who functions from both sides of the brain—the technical/logical side and the creative side. Read the interview below to see what I mean.

1. What are your day-to-day responsibilities?  

Every day I proactively ensure that all LeanTec services are running and functioning as intended both for our customers and LeanTec’s internal networking needs.  If a user has a question or concern with the software, scanner, or cabinets, I handle those support requests.   In addition, there are many other things that go on behind the scenes.  We’re constantly striving to better our products, and I’m always working on modifications and improvements with the software development team.  Without a great team, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

2. What drew you to LeanTec?  

I’ve been with LeanTec even before it had a name.  When I was working in the collision repair industry, I saw the desire of shops to control their costs and profits.  Material was being either under or over-ordered — or worse — product was sometimes walking out of the shop.  We were being asked by the shops to “fix” this issue.  After a few trials, LeanTec was born.

3. What do you like most about your job?  

There’s always something new:  a new customer, a new feature, or some new circumstance from which to learn and build.  I don’t like repetitive tasks, so this position keeps me “on my toes”.

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August 7, 2017

3 Ways Technology is Impacting Distribution

in Distribution, Technology 37,623 comments

Technology is all around us, and it’s changing the world we live in. It’s already impacting the Collision Repair Industry. From crash avoidance technology to autonomous vehicles, technology is making its mark on the automotive industry.  All indications are that this trend will continue to gain momentum. Not only will technology impact the way vehicles are repaired, it’ll change how products are distributed.

We’ve all heard the phrase: The definition of insanity is doing something over & over again and expecting different results.  We know it’s a true statement, yet we persist in doing things the same way year after year—hoping we’ll make more money and operate more efficiently.

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June 6, 2017

Why Security Matters – The Truth Exposed

in Security 3,390 comments

Security is everywhere in our lives. We lock up everything, from our houses and cars to our cell phones. We lock these things up because we care about them. If I told you that you left your house unlocked, I would be introducing some level of anxiety to your day.

The same holds true in your shop. Chances are, you lock up at night because you want to protect what you’ve built—your assets. Why not protect it during the day as well?  Collision Centers have a variety of products used to repair vehicles from fillers and glues to clips and fasteners. Some of these products are recoverable; all of them are expensive. Securing your inventory only makes sense. But, security isn’t just physical, it’s also psychological, and doing it wrong can be costly to your business.

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